Ceiling-Martel Hall

Expecting the Unexpected: Economic Growth in Stress

Esther Ruiz, Universidad Carlos III Madrid Spain

Project Description/Abstract

Large and unexpected moves in the factors underlying economic growth should be the main concern of policy makers aiming to strengthen the resilience of the economies. We propose measuring the effects of these extreme moves in the quantiles of the distribution of growth under stressed factors (GiS) and compare them with the popular Growth-at-Risk (GaR). In this comparison, we consider local and global macroeconomic and financial factors affecting US growth. We show that GaR underestimates the extreme and unexpected fall in growth produced by the COVID19 pandemic while GiS is much more accurate.


Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera, University of California, Riverside
Vladimir Rodriguez-Caballero, ITAM Mexico, and CREATES, Aarhus University

Video Presentation

Poster/Presentation PDF